The Politics of a Politics Forum


Well-Known Member
Seems to me that everyone has there own opinion on how things "ought" to be, and they bitch and scrutinize the extremely unimportant details of each others "side." When, in reality, they're both just a bunch of apes pressing plastic keys, arguing from hundreds of miles away from each, while the "game changing" discussion is avoided. Seriously, We all know what the problem is, despotism, yet we are still too chicken shit to do anything about it. We all have allowed this nation to become what it is to day. We all are at fault. We have allowed our rights to be rendered to Death, Imprisonment, and the pursuit of Money.


Well-Known Member
Seems to me that everyone has there own opinion on how things "ought" to be, and they bitch and scrutinize the extremely unimportant details of each others "side." When, in reality, they're both just a bunch of apes pressing plastic keys, arguing from hundreds of miles away from each, while the "game changing" discussion is avoided. Seriously, We all know what the problem is, despotism, yet we are still too chicken shit to do anything about it. We all have allowed this nation to become what it is to day. We all are at fault. We have allowed our rights to be rendered to Death, Imprisonment, and the pursuit of Money.
just your opinion of course..


Well-Known Member
Politics of a politics forum?

Team America logic ftw:
Dicks fuck pussies, and assholes just want to shit all over the place.

But sometimes you get your pussies and assholes mixed up because they are only about an inch apart, but its ok, cos dicks can fuck assholes too.