off and rollin.. first cfl grow


Well-Known Member
OK i'm gonna start keeping track of this grow now that i have it set up. First, I found this seed, it came out of something from one of the clubs, I forget what it was. Possibly trainwreck, but definitely a sativa.
I stuck it in the ground and kept it watered. After about 3 weeks I dug it up and put it in a pot and had it moving around a swimming pool in a wagon, getting full sunlight all day. I kept it vegging outside for about 6-8 weeks. I would have left it out there but it wasn't on my own property and I want to take care of this baby myself.

After learning about cfl growing on this forum I decided to get something setup inside.

Pics of indoor setup coming soon.



Illegal Smile

I can't stop laughing at the image of this plant being wheeled around a swimming pool in a wheelbarrow all day :)


Well-Known Member
OK so i'm all set up.
(4) 26w 2700k cfl
(1) 26w 3500k cfl

I think I'm gonna add a 42w 6500k bulb on the top. Maybe add some later too.

Soil is Miracle Grow. I know, I know... but we'll see what happens and next time I'll get the FF ocean stuff.

I haven't watered it yet. I think when it was outside, the caretaker was just sticking a hose in the pot and letting it overflow with water and basically flushing it every few days. I'm gonna let it dry another day since it has been about 3 days since I got her back.

I'm debating whether to use FF Big Bloom or not. I know the Miracle Grow has some time release stuff in it.
I am misting with Eleanor's VF-11. Its a super light mix at just 0.15-0.85-0.55. I think I will water with this as well.

What do you think so far? If anyone can tell me anything, I have open ears. I kinda think I know what I'm doing, but this is my first time so I won't claim to be an expert or anything.

What do you see in the pics?



Well-Known Member
looks good mate...i too have an image of a small plant floating around the pool....aint never heard of such a thing...but dang funny


Well-Known Member
looks good mate...i too have an image of a small plant floating around the pool....aint never heard of such a thing...but dang funny

picture a wagon with 5 pots in it. in the morning its on the west side of the pool getting full sun. as the sun moves across the sky and the wagon starts getting shaded by the house, we move it to the east side of the pool... getting full sun once again. california stylezz:cool:


Active Member
I would use the Big Bloom now and keep using it until you run out. That stuff will really help your plants thrive in that crappy MG soil.

Also, did you switch to the 12/12 light cycle yet? You have 4 of the 2700K bulbs which is the spectrum for flowering.


Well-Known Member
Cool. I will go get some Big Bloom if thats gonna work with the MG soil.
The plant was outside for about 7 weeks then I brought it inside, had it on 18-6 for a week and a half and switched it to 12-12 5 days ago.

So you think the Big Bloom?


Well-Known Member
Yeah use that Big Bloom. Your plants will love you for it..It has earthworm castings and bat guano and it can't burn you plants...They just love it ( makes me want to sip )


Well-Known Member
drove to the hydro store to get the big bloom and there was a sheriff sitting in front. even though i'm legal, i didn't feel like going into the store while he was watching. so i will go to a different store tomorrow. Does anyone know whats a good price on the big bloom?


Well-Known Member
Runs between 14.99-16.99 a quart.. :weed:

Don't you hate when you go to buy a wrap or a blunt and the " man " walks in and you are like " crap do i put it back or buy


Well-Known Member
Oops! Today I left the ceiling light in my closet on accidentally. So, for about an hour and a half after lights out in the closet, i had one 13w CFL turned on just about 6 or 7 feet away from the plant.
No big deal... right??


Need a better close up to tell sex. I dunno maybe some veteran grower can tell. Looks healthy!! Whats your temp and humidity at?


Well-Known Member
yeah i'll get a better closeup in a couple days.

Temp is usually around 81. It gets up only as high as 91 when I'm not home to open the closet door. It's usually anywhere from 71-86. Humidity is anywhere from 45% to 55%.

And it actually was a full moon last night, so... awesome.