Hyper Drive Vegging 24hr flip 18hr flip 12hr


Well-Known Member
just scribing for the moment.... I am still collecting data..... and trying to understand exactly what your point is Uncle Ben.....

Because Fallinghigh is actually right regarding this technique...... its actually fairly simply a reaction between the phytochromes Cryptochromes and phtotropin, which causes excessive stimulations or waves of stimulation, initiating a controlled growth response using stored energy, similar to what you would see at the start of flower....... particularly of the stems of the plants....... The perception of Circadian rhythm is altered, and thus flowering is triggered from the zylem, not the pigments themselves..... do you get what I mean?


cant believe i continued to read this out. bitching more than my girlfriend.
if i had a elite status -rep for all of you for irrelevant arguing.
