Storing Frenchy style "Temple Balls"?


Well-Known Member
My temple balls range from 20 to 30 grams each, and I have several with more on the way. I'd like to age them, but what storage conditions give the best results? How do people put these away for a couple years? Should I individually wrap them in plastic wrap and put into cool darkness and forget about them for awhile? Perhaps put into mason jars after wrapping?


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't wrap them in plastic, that stuff isn't designed to be stable long term.
What would you wrap them in?

Also at room temperature they flatten into pancake shapes under their own weight. I store them in the coldest part of my house in the basement, but at 20 degrees C (68 F) they still flatten on the bottoms after sitting for a few days. I wish they would hold that perfectly round, cute shape I went to so much trouble of making. Lol

Mr. John Wong

Active Member
I just found out that his wife says that later in his life he switched to glass containers because the oil in the hash starts to attack/dissolve the cellophane after about six month.