WTF is this and how do I use it?


Well-Known Member
I was at my tobacco shop and the guy that owns the place gave it to me. He knows I vape and heard someone talk about a vaporizer pipe so he asked for one knowing that I would like it. Pretty cool guy so I invited him over to break it in tonight. But he didnt get any instructions nor does he know how to use it. From what he tells me is that it is a vaporizer pipe. It has a normal bowl on the bottom (silver) and another bowl on top (green) that has something that looks like lava rock encased in it. I am assuming you either toke it like normal with a lighter or use a torch lighter and preheat the rock and then inhale. Please tell me the "proper" way to use this piece before he comes over!!!



Well-Known Member
my friend had one of those, there called a vapor genie..

basicly you pack your bowl, and then put the top piece on and light it..

it doesnt light, thus it vapes, thus less tar yadadadada..

the one my friend owned which was wooden was 50 bucks.

good deal.


Well-Known Member
^^ stick the weed in the big hole and pull on the smaller one ^^



Well-Known Member
Awesome - waiting for him to close up shop. I am excited to see if it compares to the vapo.


Well-Known Member
I forgot to update.

I highly recommend one of these. It hits just like a vaporizer except it is cheaper and doesn't take as long to warm up. Great for sneaking tokes because it doesn't carry the strong scent a la vaporizer.


Well-Known Member
that ones like a pipe....hit it ...just you dont burn the weed but you burn the metal to heat up the pipe


Well-Known Member
that ones like a pipe....hit it ...just you dont burn the weed but you burn the metal to heat up the pipe
Yeah - It has a ceramic disc in the top part that heats up and vaporizes. It is amazing that more people dont have these considering how much people talk about vaporizors. I have a vaporizer that I hardly use anymore because the pipe is easier to load, vapes just as good, I don't have to wait for it to warm up, and one the top is screwed on I dont have to worry about spilling so I can load it and carry it in my pocket all night and sneak hits anytime / anywhere and my vape cant do that!!!


Well-Known Member
I just picked up of these up, going to give it a test drive :blsmoke:
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Well-Known Member
Ok it was nice...but I started burning not vaping at one point, it requires a little touch not to. But the effects are good so for a little portable thing like this it's pretty cool. :peace::joint:


Well-Known Member
yea i've made one out of a bulb, bottletop, downpipe with bowl and another pipe.

search vaporizer on youtube.