Echoes from the dark - Letters from FDD


Well-Known Member
I am corresponding with FDD and he allowed me to share it with you.

The letter below is a redacted copy of what he sent me with the personal back and forth parts removed. If you would like to correspond with him you can PM his account and his wife will provide you the information on how to contact him.

"...This place is really nothing more than a bunch of nice guys trying to do their time so they can get home and move on. There are NO gangs here. Hell, there isn't even really a fence here. Other than the one that borders the reclaim ponds off to the North. I don't think it is really there to keep us in, but more to keep us away from the water. I could simply walk out the front door if I chose to. I would face escape charges but no one would shoot me on the way out.

We have a lot of things here to pass the time. I spend a lot of time walking the track around the soccer field. 5 laps is a mile. I do 2-4 miles a day. I have even ran a few laps. I havent run laps since high school some 30 years ago.

When I'm not running laps I play some pool or spend some time on the elliptical bike while watching NASCAR. We also have softball which starts in the spring, basketball, handball, horseshoes, bocci ball, racket ball, wiffleball, tennis and several other things.

It is pretty much like a summer camp for adults. There are a few rules to follow, it is still "prison" but most of them follow the common sense laws. "No running, don't walk on the grass, respect those around you..." Everyone here is pretty cool. We stop to hold the doors open for each other. A lot of "Thank You's" being said. I have seen no fights or even arguments. It's all white collar criminals and drug offenders here so we dont have all the attitudes you would expect. There are no violent offenders. We should all just be sent home and put on house arrest, IMO.

So I did get accepted into the drug program. I had an interview for it my 2nd week here. I told them about my pot use and how I centered my life around smoking and growing. They said I fit right in. I have been moved into the "Rehab" building and should be starting the program next month. Once I start the program I will be on my way outta here. It is a 9 month program. Once completed I go to a halfway house near my home. It is 6 months at the halfway house, but I have a job waiting for me so I may be able to do house arrest instead. If all goes well, I could be living at home this time next year.

I got a job here working in the welding shop. Most people spend the first 3 months working in the kitchen. Because I have experience I got right into a good job though. It's pretty easy to forget where I reall am alot of the times. Just feels like another day at work, except I dont go home at night. I have don a lot of work out of town in the past so I'm used to not going home. So it's really not that bad. I do miss my family though.

And the best part of it all... we have cats here. A few strays that hang out around the track and the welding shop area. A few of them are really friendly and will come right up to you. They let you pet them and they roll on thair backs while they purr and let you rub their bellies. How bad can it really be at a place that has cats? :]

You can order ice cream, pudding and 12 packs of soda here. You are free to move about from 6am until 8pm. We live in buildings that are set up like open dorms. No locked doors and no cells. It's about as easy as it gets...

You can make some posts and let everyone know I am doing well..."


Well-Known Member
People in the Feds are on a different type of hype. They just want to do their time and go home. Feds are way nicer than state and county. I've never been there but I have heard stories. Heard about the good food and ability to roam somewhat more freely. Glad to here FDD isn't doing bad in there. Probably in there getting lit too. Well at least until he gets drug tested.


Sector 5 Moderator
Wow that is great news!!! I'm really glad he's doing well and they are treating him well. And the fact that he's getting to "do stuff" is great too; not many of us get to do all the things he's getting to do; no job to report to and nothing to do but what you want to do. I know it's a bitch not being able to go home at night but all things considered he could be doing a lot worse.


Well-Known Member
I'm glad he's not in some horrible gang-infested, you're new so you're getting beaten and raped prison. I remember watching him blow some glass back when he was on stickcam, and giving him shit over his mega-sandwich, LOL.


Well-Known Member
I'm glad he's not in some horrible gang-infested, you're new so you're getting beaten and raped prison. I remember watching him blow some glass back when he was on stickcam, and giving him shit over his mega-sandwich, LOL.
Lol that shit don't really happen like that in prison bro. The people getting raped usually were already gay to begin with or have certain charges. They don't just rape anybody new lol.


Well-Known Member
Lol that shit don't really happen like that in prison bro. The people getting raped usually were already gay to begin with or have certain charges. They don't just rape anybody new lol.
Makes it pretty obvious I've never been to prison, huh? A fact I'm proud of, I must say. I was in jail once, but only for like 4 days and they had me in solitary the whole time because I'm a fucking nutcase. Stupid failure to pay a disorderly conduct fine.


Well-Known Member
Makes it pretty obvious I've never been to prison, huh? A fact I'm proud of, I must say. I was in jail once, but only for like 4 days and they had me in solitary the whole time because I'm a fucking nutcase. Stupid failure to pay a disorderly conduct fine.
lmfao damn, lockdown just for a disorderly conduct. I wish I never was locked down. It institutionalizes people after a while. You start getting used to things you shouldn't be. Glad you never been to the pen. Hope you never go.


Well-Known Member
lmfao damn, lockdown just for a disorderly conduct. I wish I never was locked down. It institutionalizes people after a while. You start getting used to things you shouldn't be. Glad you never been to the pen. Hope you never go.
Me too, I try very hard to not do things that might end me up there. I've been institutionalized though...I told you I was a nutcase. I've been court ordered into mental health facilities 8 times.


Well-Known Member
Me too, I try very hard to not do things that might end me up there. I've been institutionalized though...I told you I was a nutcase. I've been court ordered into mental health facilities 8 times.
My brother is Schitzophrenic. And he is the same way. He has been down for the past 3 years fighting a case because of his condition. they usually just send him of to a state hospital but now they're acting like some hoes trying to really charge him with the shit like he was in his right mind. On top of that he caught another assault charge in a state hospital while fighting this case lol. I guess he is where I get my nuttiness from.


Well-Known Member
My brother is Schitzophrenic. And he is the same way. He has been down for the past 3 years fighting a case because of his condition. they usually just send him of to a state hospital but now they're acting like some hoes trying to really charge him with the shit like he was in his right mind. On top of that he caught another assault charge in a state hospital while fighting this case lol. I guess he is where I get my nuttiness from.
They say it does run in the family. I sympathize, I really do, even though I'm only schiztoaffective and have figured out how to tell the hallucinations from real shit most of the time...every once in a while my wife catches me talking back to the shit in my head.


Well-Known Member
They say it does run in the family. I sympathize, I really do, even though I'm only schiztoaffective and have figured out how to tell the hallucinations from real shit most of the time...every once in a while my wife catches me talking back to the shit in my head.
I know it sucks man. I see how frustrated my bro gets when talking back to voices. I feel bad for him, if nobody is around to tell him it's not real he can turn into a beast. I'll talk to you in the random jibber jabber thread tho. I don't want to Hi-jack this thread.