-----------> my wondeful penis <----------- a diy guide


Well-Known Member
step 1:

draw a W with an extended line on your thumb......IMG_4185.jpg

step 2:

wrap your other hand around your thumb leaving just the knuckle exposed......IMG_4184.jpg

step 3:

place both hands in your crotch........IMG_4183.jpg

now catch your friends off guard. always a hoot. you should see the looks you can get at the grocery store. it's even funnier when the ladies do it. :mrgreen:

have fun. :blsmoke:


shawarma king
hahahaha, complete it by putting your balls in the chair and saying -- "Damn it, I sat in gum again."

<-- is an idiot :)


Well-Known Member
I guess it would be difficult, but it would be awesome to have someone else do it for you. Get what I'm saying?


New Member
it looked too complicated...so I just pulled my dick out and it did not go over too well..walmart customers have no sense of humor....:neutral: