THC Degradation...


Well-Known Member
If it's true that THC starts to degrade even at room temperatures... how is it so effective in a joint? All you're doing is heating the end of it and the hot smoke is traveling through the joint to your lungs (warming up the non smoked weed and potentially lowering the THC concentration) so wouldn't that be one of the most inefficient ways to smoke? I don't know if this is stoned rambling but it makes sense to me right now. Also could be that THC doesn't degrade at room temp or at all...


Master of Mayhem
Heat is what activates the THC to get you high. That's why you gotta smoke it or bake/cook it into food.


Well-Known Member
You can just eat it and get high as fuck can't you? I'm pretty sure THC is active in moderate heat because the point of it is to shield the plant from predators. Heating it is just one way to ingest it... as a vapor/smoke.


Well-Known Member
hmmm....that's an interesting statement.....I didn't think that the THC needed to be heat activated....THC and cannabinoids are psycho active heated or not. in general they are certainly light sensitive - and light is known to be the greatest contributor to degration. air oxidation through hydroxylation as well is a signficant contributor to degradation. but I'm sure there are others here that know the answer to that.


Well-Known Member
What is the difference between putting it in butter and digesting it raw? obviously they are 2 different methods... but don't they go straight in your stomach? only thing i can think of is that maybe the butter is more easily absolved in the tissues and into the system..


Well-Known Member
THC can read about it...its been studied and continues to be studied.


Well-Known Member
Go get yourself a bud and eat it. Report back. I have never had it work. We even have to add heat to it to make activated capsules for the patients.

I'm pretty sure, it has to be activated by heat or extracted. Alcohol seems work to extract it also.

What is the difference between putting it in butter and digesting it raw? obviously they are 2 different methods... but don't they go straight in your stomach? only thing i can think of is that maybe the butter is more easily absolved in the tissues and into the system..


Well-Known Member
heat activation and extraction are two very different processes. THC does not need to be heat activated.


Master of Mayhem
6. Before you're going to eat marijuana it should be heated first to activate the cannaboids, otherwise it will become poisoning if you put it in the bakingmixture without heating. The most popular way of eating marijuana is to cook it in a brownie or cake
Marijuana Faq on Drugs-plaza.

Marijuana must be heated before being consumed to activate the cannabanoids so one cannot simply eat raw grass.
Eating and Drinking Marijuana: The Basics

Marijuana must be heated before being consumed, one can not simply eat raw marijuana. The traditional method of eating it is to cook it in a brownie, though it can be used in any number of recipes
Eating Marijuana And Hashish


Well-Known Member
" thc doesnt need to be "heat activated" or anything like that. when it is binded to a fat as in cannabutter or the peanut butter in firecrackers, it is easier for the body to absorb it and send it thru the bloodstream. without binding it, and eating it straight up it will still happen it just wont be as efficient or as fast at sending the thc thru the bloodstream. smoking it is the best way to do this......"


Master of Mayhem
" thc doesnt need to be "heat activated" or anything like that. when it is binded to a fat as in cannabutter or the peanut butter in firecrackers, it is easier for the body to absorb it and send it thru the bloodstream. without binding it, and eating it straight up it will still happen it just wont be as efficient or as fast at sending the thc thru the bloodstream. smoking it is the best way to do this......"
Where did you get that? I'm tellin ya dude...go eat some raw buds, and if you tell me it got you high your a liar.


Well-Known Member
"..... The THC (and other cheerful molecules in the plants) are not "heat activated," as some people believe......"


Well-Known Member
eating it will get you high. thc is a fat in itself (it's an oil). i eat plants that i cultivate, and i do get high. however you have to eat quite a bit, and it takes a lot longer to set in. cooking it is the easiest way to add thc to tasty mixes, as eating it by itself is not very tasty to most people. i eat it fresh and it's not bad, but i do it for health benefits.


Well-Known Member
there are as many places (scientific and otherwise) that support your view as support mine...I have been an avid consumer of cannabis for more than thirty years...and have had no problem with not heat activating my bud....let's just agree to disagree.


Master of Mayhem
eating it will get you high. thc is a fat in itself (it's an oil). i eat plants that i cultivate, and i do get high. however you have to eat quite a bit, and it takes a lot longer to set in. cooking it is the easiest way to add thc to tasty mixes, as eating it by itself is not very tasty to most people. i eat it fresh and it's not bad, but i do it for health benefits.
So what you just sit down to a plate of fresh raw buds?


Well-Known Member
Heating and extraction are the only two ways that I have ever found. Yes, they are two different processes, but you just can't eat a bud and get stoned. I have tried it and it doesn't work......and I'm a lightweight.

heat activation and extraction are two very different processes. THC does not need to be heat activated.