
  1. B

    How much longer ya reckon?

    Day 70 of 12/12. sure would like to smoke the thing, but she doesn't look done. How much longer ya reckon?
  2. Andrewg42099

    Help when are buds ready to harvest

    My plant has been in flowering for around 8 weeks now and buds have gotten quite fat was just wondering how long it will take for the white pistils to turn dark and curly, as I am not to sure when to start a flush for harvest
  3. HisLordPimpishness

    Harvesting my baby Blue Dream

    In my other thread I posted pics of a zip I cropped off a dying LA Confidential plant. In this thread I'm posting pics of my other plant, a Blue Dream clone, that didn't suffer any ill effects or have any problems other than being planted in the ground too late in the season. Because she didn't...
  4. Dadopeboii

    When to harvest?

    I notice that people very commonly say that they harvested at "day 60" or "week 3" of flowering and it's how many recommend the general harvesting time for a certain strain. When I see this I'm assuming they are indoors and the flowering days start when switching lights to 12/12 but does this...
  5. DeMoNeye

    How/When to count flowering weeks?

    Simple question really - most seeds come with a flowering period (7 weeks etc.) Do you count from flip (12/12) or first show of flowers?