week 1

  1. S

    Filtered or reverse osmosis

    Greetings to my fellow grow brothers and sisters, I’m a new grower and I’m trying to figure out which one would be better for my plants. I have access to an Elkay EzH2O filtered water fountain which is essentially free. But alot of people say they use reverse osmosis filtered water so I’m m...
  2. S

    New grower

    Brand new to the site and a new to growing. Not really sure what I’m looking for up here but I’m here for a reason. Doing an indoor spider-farm grow tent and an outside run. Ready to learn and grow.
  3. EmpressHigh

    Does my plant look ok for 1 week?

    Hello i am soooo new to this....I feel like my plants might be growing a little slow. Tomorrow they will be 1 week.....one of em are sprouting new leaves that look a little yellow and the other two are sprouting new leaves that look yellow and i can also sew very small brow dots on both tips of...
  4. S

    Led lights for 32x32x63 ?

    Will two led 1000 watt giixer lights from Amazon with veg and bloom switch be too much or should I stick with 1 1000w ? link to light Giixer 1000W LED Grow Light, Dual... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07HFC7HV5?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
  5. K

    Plants leaves are drooping?

    Here are my plants on day 7.. i thoughtit was over watering, so i didn't water, only misted, but leaves are still drooping, what am i doing wrong? is this normal?