
  1. Levradus

    Light advice , Go Amare <guy named Victor but felt as love in wisdom of all

    There was one guy named Victor all behind this op named Amare Light and he just believed my dream and gifted se300uvb amare light free, only the cost of cargo and light was gift. The light successfully arrived in my hands but waited many years to accomplish it destined. There is a big backstory...
  2. S

    Top 2018 Victories In The Cannabis Industry
  3. c318i

    Another VICTORY, weed had just been legalized in my country: Georgia

    Admins and Mods sorry if not posting in correct section, just a little bit too exited Smoking Marijuana Legalized in Georgia The Constitutional Court of Georgia has released a statement on the decision made today regarding the use of marijuana, effectively abolishing administrative punishment...