too much

  1. Brickie74

    What to do with all the leftovers?

    Maybe a stupid question and a good problem to have i guess but what do people do with what they don't or can't smoke? I just became addicted to growing...taking a seed and being able to grow amazing buds with it. I always tell myself i'm only going to plant 3 and after cloning a few and adding a...
  2. Doug80

    Personal paranoia experiences

    So ok here it is this is the place to tell your stories. Have you ever smoked to much then thought everyone knows about your grow?? Then we do something drastic or try doing something drastic but we are stopped!! I know we all have that story the best getting all paranoid hiding shit and then...
  3. kindasobr

    What do RI patients / caregivers do w/ excess harvest weight?

    As I'm sure most of you know, the possession weight limit of "smokeable" mmj is 2.5 oz. While I'm all sure we can agree the law is vague at best and full of gray areas, what I want to know / am curious about is; if you legally grow in the state of RI and you keep it legit, what do you do with...