superthrive use

  1. M

    Possible burn from superthrive foliage spray.

    What's up guys! Ok,last night,I used some foliage spray from superthrive, I sprayed about 5 hours before lights went off... went back to check today and it's looking like it may have burned them,just look to find out if that is what it is and possible remedies to fix it. It doesnt look bad now...
  2. Terpenedave

    Rescuing found sick, stretched, seedlings, relocate indoors, re-veg

    This journal is the story of my attempt to rescue and clone two unknown genetics, young plants that I found growing outdoors obviously receiving little to no care. What we know so far: Age: 2-3wks from seed Stage: Veg Sex: Female Type: Predominantly Sativa or 50/50 Genetics: Unknown (poss...