
  1. U

    Before I ask, just know.. this is more of a conversation starter than a question because nobody can tell me why God would allow so much suffering.

    A year and a half ago, my 15 year old son was murdered. Corban was my ride or die.. more than my child, my best friend, the best person I have ever met. Reconfirming what we all already know, "The good die young." So then we are all just left behind in silence with the not good enough group...
  2. tyler.durden

    George H.W. Bush RIP

    He was an interesting dude. He also may have been the purest evil this planet has ever seen. I haven't yet decided. I know he hated us atheists. Powerful political family. RIP, Mr. Bush. Watch your head on the way down...
  3. tyler.durden

    Guise night out

    Halloween is here once again, the strange precursor to Thanksgiving and Christmas. I like Halloween because it's easy to get away with stabbing random people - you're in a mask, your bloody knife is supposed to look real, people are supposed to scream and act scared, etc.. Overhear an inane...
  4. Blue Wizard

    Black Metal Mausoleum

    A thread for Black Metal music. I'm not sure if there are any other black metal fans on the forum but whatever.