pre harvest

  1. ROCKO123

    First grow in the final weeks NEED ADVICE

    It’s been one long journey from seed until now. I attached some pics of it’s progression. Battled with over and under watering as I am a first time grower. Since the start of this one I’ve had 3 more started and feel much more confident. Here’s some stats •Sour Kush Auto; Growers Choice...
  2. StrawberryYields

    Pre-Harvest steps?

    Hey everyone, I'm fast approaching my first harvest and I'm realizing now just how much I still don't know. I've been trying to read/watch step-by-steps to get an idea of how exactly to go about chopping, but I'm seeing a few other things I didn't eve know about. One person said they split the...
  3. TheFoaGrower

    A few pre-harvest questions

    This will be my first harvest, have experimented with a few grow starts. The first round didn't survive. The second round was doing well until my cat got hungry, I was only able to save one plant before upgrading my security standards... Then it turned out to be a male. I was pretty sure of the...
  4. Cannabis.Queen

    Tester Nug from Jamaica plant

    This plant is close to harvest so I wanted to test a nug just to see lol plus it was looking pretty frosty and it was a small bottom ish nug. Let me know that you think lol just like to take testers After trim