
  1. tangerinegreen555

    It's my civic duty to stimulate the economy

    Since I spent my stimulus check on property taxes and paying off my cellphone. I don't know if I should get an expensive 12' HD step ladder or order some Omaha steaks. I'm kind of hungry and leaning towards the steaks. And I'd have some dry ice to play with. Maybe. I'd ask for extra, tell...
  2. farmerfischer

    Found my weed stash...

    found my stash
  3. charface

    Cover tunes

    Not sure if this has been done here before but I love good cover tunes And would like to see whats out there I may have missed. These guys always do a good job
  4. cannabineer


  5. cannabineer

    Happy Vernal Equinox RIU!

    the March of holidays continues!
  6. cannabineer

    Board needs a prospectus

  7. StonedFarmer

    the Death Pool

    Ok. I did not make a poll becaiuse tpp ciomplicatedd it is not celebrity because a few of you fucks masy die early god willing ok so I am wagering these fucks die pretty soom @StonedFarmer relapses and od's @Singlemalt old atge @tangerinegreen555 work exhaustaion go at this guys
  8. cannabineer

    There can be only one

    ...way to celebrate the restoration of images! Big party in Toke & Cock
  9. ChingOwn

    Masturbating with the stranger and a vibrator in your ass

  10. Olive Drab Green

    HSO '91 Chemdawg

    Strain: '91 Chemdawg from HSO. (They also have Chemdawg D and #4) Broke ground 24 August 2016. Planted with 1/3 tsp OregonismXL. Equipment: -1x ViparSpectra 450w to be replaced with a TastyLED T1-2100 in a week or two. -Roots Organic Formula 707 medium -Roots Organic Dry Nutrients...
  11. tyler.durden

    Sunday Birthday

    So, tomorrow is my birthday. Gonna go to brunch downtown with the family, then go for a long bike ride as it's gonna be sunny and 80! Got a date with my favorite prostitute, Sunni, at 8pm. She knows it's my birthday, so I expect a nice gf experience as she goes the extra mile ;) She says she's...
  12. cannabineer

    Hello my asymptote was hacked

    and now my main vector is hung on the ordinate. But it's all cool, I am SO CLOSE so it's just a matter of a moment before I am there ...
  13. Singlemalt

    Plan[et] 9 from Outer Space

    We are all so fucked: Coincidence, hmmmm? full movie Get right with your gods ya damned atheists
  14. Downtowntillman

    I'm not even sure why?

    But this place has gotten a little... Dull...since the departure of pin.... No crazy random shit no more...
  15. Gary Goodson

    I <3 teh blue wizard

    if you don't you can go fuck your face in teh ass!!
  16. Downtowntillman

    Don't snapchat whilst you drive!!

    At least she has a great last memory of him. You know she's still haunted by the possibilities of that night.
  17. Downtowntillman

    She really needed the D...

    As in Dough!! Wtf. Some people are just plain @Pinworm
  18. tyler.durden

    Cant get my bung fully cleaned!!!!

    So t this great bung, ive had it for my entire life and it has been great I clean it regularly, underwear changing a few times a week And iso + salt wash it every 1-2 weeks, depending how much i have been pooping So it used to be beautifully crystal clear and i could see through my gaping...