
  1. B

    Best Value Vacs

    Using the best value vacs website what are the cheapest items I would need to purchase in order to make slabs from the oven?? (I already purchased an oven and vacuum pump) Please Help
  2. B

    Best Value Vacs

    Using the best value vacs website what are the cheapest items I would need to purchase in order to make slabs from the oven?? (I already purchased an oven and vacuum pump) Please Help
  3. A

    Oven settings for firecrackers

    Hey guys, So i wanted to make a few firecrackers for me and my friend, but I have to use a different oven than usual. The problem is the oven i have to use is a toaster oven instead of a regular one. So i wanted to hear from you guys if i can even make the cookies in that oven and what...
  4. HamGreasy

    quick dry, low heat, method that works in a bind!!!!!!

    So my weed guy has been MIA for the past 2 weeks and I've grown desperate. My crops are about 14 days from harvest but there are some smaller buds that appear to be ready to pluck. I snipped about 1/4 of an once of the plant that is more mature than my others. I let my oven get to about 120...