
  1. Alazzzar

    My plant ain’t green enough..I think.

    My plant is at its first week of flowering. Ive just translated it, and flushed the soil (had nutrients lockout) making it ready for flowering. 5 days ago. I feel like the leafs are turning, might already turnt light green ish. Very comparable to a lime. it could be that the flushing...
  2. B

    New Growth Lime Green!!

    New growth on 2 blueberry photo plants coming in lime green and very dry looking leaves. Lights at 24 inches, using remo line at 3ml. Used ph at 6.2-6.4. Humidity good, airflows good, temp good. Last feeding I upped the ph level to 6.8..... any thoughts..... Using coco
  3. AnimalMother1974

    Calcium carbonate for raising ph

    Overtime peat moss breaks down and becomes more acidic. Im not trying to over calcium up the soil. But can eggshell (calcium carbonate) be used to raise soil ph? To add at the point of when peat turns acidy. Shell takes a long time to break down and the plant should be finished and harvested...
  4. 420BongRips

    Using Dolomite Lime to Raise pH of Water

    So I am having a bit of a problem here. I have setup an outdoor area near a stream. The water of the stream's ph is 5.0 - 5.5, not good for marijuana plants as you know. I have a ton of Dolomite Lime to use and this other stuff called Garden Lime by Espoma (...