
  1. Budder Fingers

    Triple leaf Krystalica seedling - Mandala seeds

    First time in 20 years I've seen this... It grew three cotyledon, three singles and three three finger leafs then went back to two sets thereafter. Krystalica from Mandala seeds
  2. Original Sensible Seeds

    Mandala Seeds strains incl. Satori back in stock @ Original Seeds Store !!

    Mandala Seeds Satori THC 23-28% Chill OM Colombia x South East Asia A Balanced, upbeat Sativa high Kalichakra South India x South East Asia Very pleasant and smooth Sativa high Krystalica Kerala x South India x Nepal Top THC levels with a very pleasant high to match California Dream -...
  3. SwankyDank

    Mandala, Krystalica, Regular Flower Time: 65-72 Type: 75% sativa, Regular Seed Genetics: Kerala, South India; Nepal High: A "smooth" but potent sativa-dominant high; helps to relax but keeps you awake at the same time; good for ideas and creativity; suitable for...