
  1. P

    Curing Question - Does RH variate depending on the week?

    I'm currently curing my bud and I am wondering how it works. The buds are sitting around 67-68%, and after I burp them I let them get back down to around 64-65%. After some time, the RH increases again. So my question is; should RH be different depending on the week? For example, is it normal...
  2. Towelie29

    First Grow, About 3.5 lbs

    Grew 4 plants in a 5x5 tent, started them outdoors. I thought they were 3 X Purple Kush and 1 OG x Haze- but there are definitely at least 3 different strains. They all have a very distinct smell and flavour. 3 of them are definetly indicas or hybrids. Two indicas have very sticky and sweet...
  3. banananutbread

    The Must-Have Harvest Toolbox!

    Hey RIUers! If you could go back in time and redo any of the errors you made at your first harvest...let's hear what it would be! With harvest quickly (kinda) approaching what gear are you gathering and what prep are you doing to get ready? Here is my prep/gear list so far.. Quality trimming...
  4. B

    Jarring and burping question (includes poll and music)

    Do you put the threaded jar ring on every time you close the jars Or do you just sit the rubberized inner lid on them, and that cover will provide an adequate seal between burpings?
  5. Tom Tucker 313

    Mushroom colonization and yeild

    What should i use in my jars for the biggest yeilds. I plan to transfer my colonized material into totes. Also, whats the best substrate to fruit my colonized material in?
  6. HisLordPimpishness

    LA Confidential roots started to die, premature birth [PICS]

    Howdy folks, A tragedy struck my garden after some poor judgement from yours truly. A misstep (and miscount) on my part ended up killing half of my roots a few weeks into flowering and completely stunted my plants growth. I tried my best to heal the plant over the course of the next 5-6 weeks...
  7. BudgetGrows

    one of four has hay smell, same batch

    Just a cure question. My normal harvest goes, wet trim, dry 5- 7 days in dark cool cabinet. Then into jars with burping procedures. Have 4 mason jars from same plants. There about 3 weeks into the jars. ONE of the jars has a pungent hay smell. Others all are nicely aeromatic. Anyone else have...