home assistant

  1. T

    DIY 24-Channel MeanWell LED Driver PWM dimming controller for Home Assistant

    I wanted a way to control dimming on multiple MeanWell drivers without using optocouplers and resistors. I created this github page with all of the details to share for anyone else who's interested in doing the same. Feel free to post issues or discussions on the github page if you're interested...
  2. SpawnOfVader

    Do's and don'ts of Home Assistant grow automation

    Just felt like sharing some things I've messed up since starting this- mostly in infrastructure/network planning (literally my day job)..... Most Critical: Don'ts... 1. Home Assistant connectivity - use an ethernet connection. While it might not be an issue at first once you add in sensors...
  3. SpawnOfVader

    How much do you water - Drip irrigation

    Simple question right? Started building a drip irrigation system and sizing my final reservoir when it hit me that I have metrics for heat/humidity/power usage/lighting schedule BUT I haven't ever tracked my watering.... I just do it by hand based on current soil moisture levels/how the plants...
  4. SpawnOfVader

    MARS HYDRO CUP - Lilac Diesel & Birthday Banger -Mainline Grow w/MARS HYDRO TS2000W & Home Assistant Automation

    Okay so here we go! First mainline grow, I started this thread in the Grow Journals section originally but I LOVE feedback so I'm gonna keep it here instead...more traffic :-D 4x Lilac Diesel RBX2 2x Birthday Banger Grow space: Crappy Topolite tent cloth (frame broke so using DIY PVC frame -...
  5. SpawnOfVader

    Remote monitoring - DIY (soon to be home assistant controlled)

    Just got the first phase of my grow automation/remote monitoring up and I figured I'd share a review of the products used so far/start a live journal of the project: Already in place: Controller (mid setup): Raspberry Pi 4 B - Home assistant loaded Remote Monitoring (in place): Ecowitt GW1000...