flowered clone

  1. OldAK-MTF907

    Monster crop clone grown up & ridiculously dense

    Months ago I began some experimenting with flowering clones (aka monster crop clones) which started initially because I ended up with a random bagseed that turned out to be gorgeous, sweet & potent, so naturally I wanted to keep the strain alive to grow it another day...however this was roughly...
  2. OldAK-MTF907

    My flowered clones are drooping...?!

    Howdy, new here but not to makin' the green happen. I have a recent success rate of 100% getting "monster crop"/ flowered clones to root, however it was only 1 attempt with 1 cutting. Moving along, just took 7-4 days ago which are all longer than 6" & after reading more than a couple threads...