close loop

  1. dabbindylan

    loading a spool

    What is the proper way to load a closed loop spool... Ive had great debate over like opinions.. My preference is packed loose.. But i hear of other brotha n sista loading so tight. Even beating with rod n hammer to ensure its as tight as possible
  2. dabbindylan

    Gauge for reclamation?

    Would one need a pressure gauge for closed loop reclamation on the tank itself. To clairify my system does have pressure gauges im asking if my tank itself needs 1 for solvent reclamation
  3. Y

    Closed loop everything comes out as crumble

    Hi everybody, I use to come to these grow forums years ago under another account for my home gig. Now I'm working for a medicinal company, and need some help with concentrates. A run down of our gear: We have a Mk II Terpenator closed loop extractor. Our trim is dried and then stored in totes...
  4. C

    Why won't my dewaxed bho slabs stabilize?

    I am running a close loop extractor w/ a dewax chamber and 8 micron filter. My slabs will not stabilize even when left in the oven for weeks at low temp 85f up to 125f. There shouldn't be a need to go any hotter in a vac oven. I maintain temps during extraction well below 100f and pressure no...