
  1. Weather Report

    Heavy Weather - White Widow, Skywalker Haze, Diesel Daze, Dutch Guaraní + Cats & Music

    White Widow - Royal Queen, Skywalker Haze - Dutch Passion, Purple Diesel Daze - Europa, Dutch Guaraní - South American bagseed found under the Capricorn Line between 2022/2024 (breeding and testings), Some Ruderalis guess "G13 Labs Auto Dosi" (freebie) my first one of the kind. Living soil...
  2. Mariosehr

    Pets and Plants! PICS!

    Post you fav pic of you and your lil helper! I love animals please, no harm or danger came to any below. Enjoy! Xena @ 3 months
  3. Unclebaldrick

    Are all cats amazing?

    We adopted a little stray last fall and he has blossomed into a really awesome member of the family. So I reflected on my nine lifetime cats and came to the conclusion that all cats are amazing. I dated some girls whose cats were a pain in the ass (siamese) but maybe I just didn't get to know...
  4. Eltomcat

    tough times coming.

    Lol, I'm losing my place due to medical reasons(not being able to work). So ill be rubber tramping/ camping. Kindda suck but hopefully me and the wife will make it. By the way wife will be staying at her aunts. All jokes welcome they might make me feel better. No sympathy, give it to me hard...
  5. Eltomcat

    Discovering Valhalla I don't know seems alright..