
  1. R

    Somewhat newbie needing advice

    So I've not grown anything from seed and only grown from cuttings, well I was making a batch of oil from some leaf I was given and neglected to bother looking through it, inherently there were some seeds in the mix, these have been washed with isopropyl alcohol in with the rest of the leaf...
  2. BadEend

    How long do you soak for tincture (confused by new info)

    HI Dont believe all you read on the internet but this one has me wondering ... in a way it makes sense but . it is contradicted by 10 other articles that state the longer the better Any...
  3. giantcola


    HI GUYS, i wanted to share with you this amazing thing i just discovered: i was searching online for cocktails to prepare with what i had AT HOME, i bumped into a preparation that was including just Gin, Prosecco wine ( Italian name for a "pre meal" white wine that does lots of bubbles, i think...
  4. SmokingCrow

    Lots of choices: extract for oil/tincture

    Been lurking and learning. My wife has been smoking joints and the outcome of my non-scientific experiment has been positive; it temporarily reduced some severe conditions she endures on a daily basis that includes pain, seizures, and anxiety. It has also confirmed my theory cannabis would help...
  5. meangreengrowinmachine

    My first attempt at QWISO

    Just as the thread title says I am trying my hand as some QWISO... attached the process I am using. Thanks to @Thundercat for the tech I copied from his thread Thundercats Groooooooow! (such a sweet thread name btw lol). Everything is in the 1 hour chill stage atm. I did decide to use my 220...
  6. GimmieRoach

    i need advice

    so ive taken a break off smoking cannabis, smoking again in 3-4 days, me and my mate are going to be drinking and taking Psilocybin mushrooms aswell, so the question is is it a good idea to take 1-2 mushrooms and have a few kingsize spliffs while drinking aswell?? before anyone says, i know...
  7. cannetix Inc

    Some interesting information in regards to sublingual administration (tinctures)

    Greetings RIU Community! While reading through some journals today I stumbled across the following study pertaining to the absorption of drugs through the sublingual mucosa (the mucous membrane located under the tongue). It suggests; "The...
  8. F

    HELP!>I spray'd 2 much Alcohol on leaves with mites, plant is dying! Newb, rapid responses, please .

    My outside, turned inside, unidentified plant(soil) was soon to be ready to harvest(2-3 weeks away) until my wife found mites while looking at triches through a loop. She freaked and without me first researching it, she asked me to spray an alcohol based homemade spray to kill the mites. Before...
  9. F

    NEED HELP QUICKLY-Alcohol spray(for mites) has dried up all leaves and is killing my blooming plant.

    My outside, turned inside, unidentified plant(soil) was soon to be ready to harvest until my wife found mites while looking at triches through a loop. She freaked and without first researching it, she asked me to spray(soak) an alcohol based homemade spray to kill the mites. Before this time...