Your own selection. Early flowering variety Landrace Red+Fat. Breeder - breeder. outdoor. (51°N.W)

About 4 years ago I took about 10 photoperiod varieties as a stalker's comrade (the list of varieties in the orders was preserved). From some I don’t remember which ones I got a few seeds. Sowed. Then they were pollinated by northern semi-wild varieties of Scandinavian genetics. Two varieties stand out, red and bold. At first I took them separately. But this year I decided to mix the varieties together, let them cross-pollinate with each other, and sowed.

This year I remove later male plants, also small, barren.
I call it Landrace, because it’s clearer to me, and I’m already used to it. To call so semi-wild forms or early flowers. And who had contact with those who have been growing with me for a long time - ranniks.

The photo shows that early bloom. Already blooming. As for late sowing (end of May), they developed well. Care is standard, like my other plantations. Without a single artificial irrigation. Granules from slugs, did not apply.
Grown up) Many red phenotypes, red trunks and leaf petioles can be seen.
I want to remind you that they grow without care, without a single artificial watering. Late sowing. Except for leaving the trampling of grass when examining the bushes). Sowing directly into the ground without any soaking, in a piece of land in a turf of 30-40 cm, it was dug with a shovel just to sow. It has never been weeded clearly and not grappled) Unlike some of my other reports, where the views are different.
Registration: 01/05/2014
Messages: 79
Almost ready, real early bloom, fast, for the north, and any region. Increased disease and mold resistance. I practically did not notice the defeat by them. Unlike the autoflowers I grew this year.

Sativa type leaves are larger.

Power Plant+Pandora differs from my early bloomer in having more sativa leaves, earlier maturation, and red phenotypes. But the red phenotype in this hybrid is less resinous than the green fat.

Resinity is high for such an early flower, I think more than many western autos.

Already at the end of August, you can cut. I have a late sowing in the photo. For example, in our harsh mountains today it was already exactly 0 degrees Celsius. In some places there was already frost, which means there was frostbite. In such conditions, only my wounders can improve. Even those Western elite early flowers that I write in a separate report EdPurt, etc. will not pull like that.
