Your assistance is greatly needed.


Well-Known Member
Anyway, im having a few situations in me trusty grow chamber.

First. and this is strange to me. new seedlings, sprouted about 5 days ago and growing strong except for two of them. i only got pics of one but you get the idea. it looks like both its root and "head" are under grew in a big upside down "U". what do i do? do i take them out and replant em? do i dump more soil on it and let it figure it self a brother out!

other 3 older plants are fine except this one has purple branches, the central stem is healthy green...its the branches im worried about. Good advice (and possible monetary donations) would be appreciated!



Well-Known Member
The seedlings I would just wiggle them a lil every once in a while and they will set themselves free.
You need a fan on them.
The fan will do the same as the wiggiling (slowest speed and oscilating)

Also make sure you have good drainage in those cups.
They look a lil over watered.

The red or purple stems are typical.
Do not worry about them.
That is just showing the new growth.

Good luck