Young seedling not growing for 3 days? [pics]


Well-Known Member

I have this young seedling planted, it grow a bit then stopped.
The seedling was planted last Tuesday ( 8th of march ) after being germinated for around 3 days.

Could it be root bound? The pot is small ( i'm just using it as a seed starter ) but I really don't think it's root bound because the plant is too small anyways.

pH is fine ( i grew some stuff before ), temp drops down at some points in the day but I also don't think that is hurting the plant. Lighting currently is a 46watt 6500k cfl.

What do you guys think?

First two pictures took 17 hours ago, last picture took 5 minutes ago.



Well-Known Member
Could it be root bound? The pot is really small but I'm using it as a seed starter, should i transplant now?

Thanks for the reply though, I won't water until it's dry and I see some growth.


Well-Known Member
Light is 1.5 inches away from the plant, real close and no it does not produce any noticeable heat.... keep in mind that i've grew before.

Anyways I guess I can't do anything except not to water and wait..



nope, you need to let it dry out, it is WAYYY soaked, which cause slow growth, even no growth. don't water it for like half week and spary the plant twice a day, once morning, once night


Well-Known Member
Alright thanks everyone for the replies, I just moved my plant to the window because the sun is beautiful today, sun might do it good. Will move it back to CFL in 30 minutes.


Well-Known Member
Another morning and no noticeable growth.

Soil top in picture looks too dry, but infact its still a bit wet down at the bottom, I used a screwdriver to pinch the soil a bit yesterday, it was too compact ;/



Well-Known Member
your soil did look very wet in the first pics. i notice they dont grow during this time i think it is because all the growth is going on under the surface. the seedling is establishing a root system so it can shoot up.


Well-Known Member
the pot is not big, and its been like 3-4 days without growth (could it still be constructing the root system without giving any attention above soil?)... they just sprouted, stretched above the soil a bit and stopped.

but really thanks for all the replies :)