
Well-Known Member
Whew - I gave this one some time, but I'll have to read it in stages. I'm about at the half-time point.

It's very interesting, for sure. But I would bet money that if you were to give this article to every person in the world, soooooo many of them would not get passed the first paragraph - because of the source.

"NOTICE: Dec. 5, 2011 ~ I’m taking some time off to generate an income. ~ Rady

Mainstreaming radical thought, Coalition of the Obvious (COTO) is a group of people who openly recognize that corporations are destroying Earth, our home; that the enemy of every social justice cause is a corporation; that corporations have purchased governments around the world; that mainstream media is corporate propaganda; and that the first step out of the Corporate State is to expose the truth. Neoliberalism is just another name for a tiny minority legitimizing their lust for wealth and power, at the expense of the economy, the environment, and human cultures."

That was in the "about" section on the COTO website. It's an excellent message, but it's too big for most people. No more corporations? I think a lot people would rather be comfortably ignorant rather than informed but they have to WORK for it. Not ALL people, but a lot of them...

Some people choose to watch disgustingly rich assholes on television live their lives and spend their easy-earned money on vapid, unnecessary things - rather than reading a book or learning about anything else in the world. How do you reach THOSE people?

People that I have talked to, even ones that are on-board with Marijuana legalization in Canada, do not know ANYTHING about the Cannabis plant. I mean NOTHIN.
My parents (for example) who are avid readers and love to be informed, would not be able to read this article due to the large amount of "conspiracy theory" jargon in it.

It's an interesting article for sure. I did a project in University on the use of Hemp for reclamation of heavy-metal poisoned lands. There was a lot of research to support other plants being more effective for that particular purpose, but it was interesting to get to look into the history of Marijuana prohibition. All about money, as per usual.

Also - I always called the Monsanto seeds "suicide" seeds. And it's a shitty, greedy practice.

I have never once bought a seed, from anywhere. I am not a grower. Maybe one day? It would be nice for sure.

This Doc sounds like a wanker. BUT - even if this is not his or anyones intention - it's fucking helping something.

As soon as the people that control the world (the billionaires) start seeing Marijuana as a way for them to make more money, they will POUR their resources into promotion, building fancy technologies to provide "safe guards" so that people Cannot OD on their medicine. It's a crock.

However, will "they" be able to genetically modify every single seed so that they will "kill themselves" and that the grower will have to inevitably buy more seeds?

Sure Monsanto has done with with millions of seeds in the agriculture feild. But I can STILL go to the store and buy organic corn if I want, or get some from my friends garden.

"They" will try everything they can to make money off of this. AND to make it so other people can't make ANY money. It's so greedy and disgusting it makes me sick. Really - total fuckers.

BUT - I am going to try to focus my attention on the positive. On giving people that do not have ANY information, what they need to get started.

I think THAT needs to be addressed first. Information about how this plant works to help people. Stories of people that have been helped. POSITIVE information.

I think the message gets lost sometimes in all the hate and injustce.

I've only been REALLY reading a lot about this recently, since June 2014. Although, thinking back, I did my first school project on marijuana when I was 12. I got an "A".

But I've already convinced most of my friends that MMJ is the greatest thing in the world. Because I think it is! I didn't have to convince many of my buds recreational marijuana is a good thing...they knew that, because it's awesome.

Thank you for posting. How do YOU feel about it?