X-Line Bubblegummer + Pure Power Plant bagseed


Hi everybody, thought i'd show you what's going on in my closet.
I have three Bubblegummers from the Female Seeds X-line. And also some bagseed power plants. They grew under constant light of two 30w cfls 'til they were about 3-4 weeks old and now they're living in my closet in 7.5 litre pots. I have a 200w cfl thing i borrowed from a friend hanging over them. Temp. is around 25-26 daytime and 18-20 at night (18/6 light cycle)
Planted in soil and perlite.
This is my first try at growing pot.

One of the bagseed PPP, this one is about two weeks older than the rest (i think maybe 6-7 weeks old from seed)

The second PPP. Don't have room for a real container so we'll see what happens.

BG#1 Largest of the BGs, i was impressed by her roots when repotting her.

BG#2 Smallest of the BGs but seems to be doing okay.

BG#3 This one is a bit sick, got some yellow leaves with all kinds of dots and shit on them. I think my PH may be a little low?
I topdressed all plants with dolomite lime + fresh soil today. and i'll make sure to give them ph7 water in the future?!

Wish me luck yeah?
