Without drugs, life itself would be impossible


Well-Known Member
Drugs are bad, mkay. Life is bad. You may have noticed my absinthe. Drugs may have damn near killed me. Or it could have just been life. Either way...

You should only take drugs if you are smart and have researched them carefully. Drugs or life will eventually kill you so choose carefully. Mushrooms. Death. Yep, I eat shrooms and I run into death sure as shit. Death, surprisingly is everywhere. So again is life.

The doctors don't understand. They say I am crazy. I say they are full of shit anyway. 1/3 of deaths are caused by doctors. Think about it, people you know that died... were doctors involved?

30 minutes in hyperspace is worth ten weeks of death.

What I'm telling you is to get as much drugs and life as you can. It's a compromise. Too much of either will kill you. Choose carefully.

We are entering a new phase in reality. The Trumpocalypse. You're gonna need a lot of fucking drugs for this one. I recommend DMT first off. DMT will show you the most important thing, mainly that it's all bullshit. Follow that up with large and repeated doses of LSD to help the DMT sink in. Some of you are old. To you I say, this is like Regan only worse and weirder. Imagine the Sex Pist0ls only in drag. Yeah, that bad.

Assume any drug is rat poison, nibble only small amounts at first. Don't forget about tolerance. Just because you ate it every day and then stopped for a week doesn't mean you can eat twice as much today.

The anointed one is coming. He shall be the one surrounded by stones and stoned. Remember this, for only 144,000 shall survive. 12 multiplied by itself times 1,000.

Without the 12 there will be no 1,000.


Well-Known Member
You laugh but out savior comes. The one who makes all drugs legal. "DMT shall fall from the sky and LSD shall bubble up from the gound."

Lightening strikes in strange places. Thats why they call it lightening.


Well-Known Member
I will go no further than trippy pot. Can I survive with just that? I am voting for Trump btw.

Who are the 12, the disciples of DMT?