Why the hell are people against free health care!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

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Well-Known Member
You're a black man telling people they should read the bible? You do know that's the only book your people were allowed to have by the whites right? do you think it was given for their benefit or as another means of control?

You are aware that whole made up religion was completely forced onto your people right?


Well-Known Member
President obama been in office not even 10 months the first month in office everything from the right was no no no and it looks that way now you got a bunch of rednecks racist ass people that it kills them to see a black man on top running this country that blacks built.America will always be stuck on stupid as long as we have these ignorant people like on fox news, rush limbaugh and hannity. You ignorant people dont even get it your protesting i guess you call it a tea party fox news get you amped up then you go out hear and start screaming about death panels and what not the president is trying to help you, your broke your not rich . The people on fox news bill oriely, hannity , glenn beck there rich your protesting for them so they can keep there rich status. Look what fox and all the racist right wingers has done for u tea partying poor people in the last 8 yrs 90% tax cuts to the rich (hannity,bill oriely,glenn beck,rush limbaugh) .where would the country be now if the right wingers and tea baggers would of been this agressive 8yrs ago when we were forced into a fake ass war how many died because of a lie in iraq and how much of tax payers money was spent? All because you right wingers and tea baggers was filling patriotic. Its sad to say that you racist people would follow a white person to hell then to follow a colored person to heaven, but u say this country is built on christian values yeah right this shit is build with these values (racism, hate,rape,murder) did that surprise u not me its in the history book open it and read it. You got 3yrs and some change to be mad so i would save some anger or should i say energy if i was u........ smoke one:finger:
Did your head crack open and all this mess fall out? First off i don't mean to belittle you, but there are things known as punctuation, you know periods, question marks, things like that make your post much easier to read. Second of all the word that describes being aware is KNOW not NO, Feeling not filling, than not then, Built not build. If anyone needs to crack a book to improve themselves its you.

When you try to make a point, try to sound somewhat intelligible, if not you lose all credibility and no one is going to listen to you because they do not want you to rub off on them.
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