Why religion makes sense and will save you.


Well-Known Member
Just try it.

If you don't believe after watching this evidence, you're a fool!


Well-Known Member
I somehow swerved into the history of the Inquistion. Did you know it was only "officially" abolished in 1818. To me, the problem is that, this is an organization that has, more than once, put away the Instruments of the Question, and then, later, other twisted members, brought them back, never asked anyone and never showed remorse...quite the opposite.

Being a student of history, it seems to me, this Organization would bring forth the Question again, if given a chance. There are those that think civilization is a passage, an understanding, a fulfilment never to be lost. History does not agree.

The most chilling stories are when civilzation crumbles a bit, like Rome. Then the superstitious power monster begins to preach the end of days and people join to not be killed.

Right now, religion is barely contained, and it seems to us, so gentle, they want us to think. History does not agree.


Well-Known Member
i got real bad, bad cause im on tor i had open it in another browser to get it lol. had to laught at myself.