Why is this bad?

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
Ok, yeah, that makes sense. Kind of like in the U.K. I was there once and caught a horrible cold. . . sicker than hell! On my way back to the States I stopped by a pharmacy in the airport in Gatwick and I just talked with the pharmacist and she gave me some good stuff - don't remember what it was called but it was a hell of a lot better than anything sold here in the U.S. over the counter.
This would actually be a good idea if most people had any common sense, but before long they'd be pumping themselves full of antibiotics every time they get the sniffles.

Maybe we should all take IQ tests before handing out medical ID cards, and then let the strong survive. Liberals believe in Darwinism right?


Well-Known Member
You may think differently when the government starts drug testing you, to make sure you qualify for they're little program. Or how about if the government decides they want to microchip all of us, just to make sure were all safe? Is that ok too?

Once you open yourself up to government handouts you will be regulated like anything else. I could give many examples of this, but here's one. Go apply for food stamps, and you will be forced to perform useless job interviews, before reporting back for more "free" food-stamps.
Yeah!!! And what happens when they invoke that thing in that mel gibson movie where he painted his face blue and the politicians can have sex with our women on our wedding days! I don't want to have to raise a politicians baby!

They have gone too far!