Why I HATE Spider Mites


Well-Known Member
Mine have been losing an inordinate amount of leaves , lower mostly. They are yellowing and dropping. Could be normal, but I'm kinda concerned. How do you know if they are spider mites? I know this sounds lame. I have been kinda keeping an eye on them, but mostly the upper sections (Where the pretty stuff is!!) I might have missed them if they are attacking the lower leaves.


Well-Known Member
They look like tiny black specs, they create webs all over the plant. you know you got em when little white spots start appearing on your leaves and the black specs are on the leaf undersides. Very difficult to get totally rid of, need repeated neem oil treatments. I have gotten them from cheap potting soil also, eggs were in the soil.


Well-Known Member
wow..a buddy of mine spread his mite to everyone through clones...AVID is over a hundred dollars ..for 8 ounces..but that 8 ounces will make hundreds of gallons ...it will get rid of the buggers....DEAD...treat once.then again in about 7 days..that way any eggs that might hatch out get nuked too...do not tolerate spider mites..they will destroy your girls..nuke them..nuke them straight away..AVID...ask for it by name...if you dont believe me..ask albfuct..he will tell you...lol..


Active Member
i noticed that I had a very mild case of them when i was into my 5th week flowering.. went to my local hydro store and bought some stuff called "organocide" and it has worked good for me so far.. but like i said it was a mild case of them!!

active ingredients are: Sesame oil, edible fish oil, lecithin, and water! The manufacture is Organic Laboratories Inc. Goodluck!!

poke smot

Active Member
organic growers boil H2o with habanero or jalapeño put in spay bottle GL dont over do it!!
or any 1 for that matter, they are not immune <pest>

oh really???

Well-Known Member
einstein oil. i use it and it works. it's pure neem.

. . .i didn't use neem at first but when i was smoking the mites i decided it was time to upgrade. i apply every 3-4 days and it has worked amazingly. i tried other natural remedies and they weren't doing the job so neem is for me.


Well-Known Member
I empty a king size cigarette into a plastic water bottle full of hot, but not boiling water. Let that sit overnight, strain the mixture and mix the liquid with water at about 1 part to 3 or 4 parts water. Add the proper dosage from a bottle of Safer's insecticidal soap to the mix. Spray every 3-5 days if infested. Once weekly for prevention. Does a good job for me.


Well-Known Member
i'm a firm believer if you let your soil dry out maybe a day or two longer than you usually should they will dissapear, works for me and once watered again plants will perk right back up.