Why dont i see anyone talking about the Federal reserve on RIU!


Active Member
That sounds like perfection, but alas we would get disentary from poor water supply and malaria from mosquittos!

Yeah we all need to take a collective breath at times. And remember that we are paying less taxes then ever before. The wealthy had been taxed over 90% for several decades before the 70's.

We basically are paying for our parents and grandparents, as well as the kids that are coming up. It is just the way this system works. People think that they are screwed because they see so little of the benefits from the taxes they pay.

And that is true.

When we were kids we benefited from the older generations taxes, and when we get old it will be the grandchildren of us that will be there to take care of us.

That is why making sure they get the best education, and we invest in actual things that benefit our nations.

If we don't then yes we are boned.
your still hoping on retirement are you ;)