why do you smoke???

why do you smoke??

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Well-Known Member
just sitting here stoned (i mean medicated. lol) and wondered... why do poeple smoke??? just select all that applies


Well-Known Member
1) Recreation, it's fun!
2) Medication, bipolar, stoney indica keeps the mania from going too far.
3) Spiritual, I believe in keeping Sabbath.


Well-Known Member
damn who ever made this post is really in need of attention. its like he really has nothing else but to blaze by himself n sit on the comp n re-re-visit forums n now invented a way for people to talk to. no arguement needed. sorry if u need it


New Member
nice thread. I smoke cuz its in my genes and I'm a harmless individual. don't even kill spiders (maybe spidermites...), so what is my major offense?

I think a majority of pot smokers represent a pinnacle case for the legalization of marijuana. The problem is that our first amendment rights are being washed out by a non-advantageous crusade of a priority-challenged executive branch. The first step is most likely defederalization. Drugs should be the least of their worries, and I reference the indulgence of Huxley's Brave New World.

The economical argument stands true and proud, but is not in the interest of politicians... doing anything for money is a sign of political weakness.


Well-Known Member
damn who ever made this post is really in need of attention. its like he really has nothing else but to blaze by himself n sit on the comp n re-re-visit forums n now invented a way for people to talk to. no arguement needed. sorry if u need it
umm no i dont need attention from anyone... i have to do a paper on anything i believe in with passion. and weed is my passion... and i wanted to write a paper about the differnt uses that ppl use. i have a life i work every day, i live with my girlfriend and got plenty of ppl to hang out with if i need attention... looks like u where the one that needs attention by tyring to be funny and talk down on someone. looks like you are the only one to think of such a stupid reason... man if you wanna talk shit then just go talk shit in person and get beat up.... you dont know me you dont know what i do so just close that mouth and stop starting problems...


Well-Known Member
i guees u needed the sorry, n i dnt wanna know u ,lol on tryin to turn this around with ur bullshit.. makin a paper on this topic / passion wow. besides all i did was call on ur bullshit so what. y would i start shit with someone who makes threads like this to get replies ...
theres ur sorry. say w/e u want ull get no more from me\


Well-Known Member
i dont need any F*ing sorry for Sh!t... never said i needed one.... and yeah i do have to do a paper for my college journalism class. and ur are really dumb... whats the point of a forum... to post stuff... so others can reply and therefor extending your knowledge upon the subject... at least im not going on other ppls post just to talk sh!t... if you dont like my post then dont go to it... why u keep writing if you think its dumb... most of us just come on here to passively ask for help with a project or to widen our knowledge... most of us smokers out here are here to help one another not to criticize one another.