Who Do You SINCERELY Believe Is The TRUEST Presidential Candidate?

Who Do You SINCERELY Believe Is The TRUEST (U.S.) Presidential Candidate?

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Active Member
Any of them will tell you ANYTHING you want to hear as long as the get in that White House.

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
i'd vote for ron paul if it weren't for the fact that his cognitive dissonance is beyond anything i've seen before. he's like ayn rand. i dont vote for republicans, if there is another independent running besides ron then i might like the guy if his view's aren't ridiculous and his policies reflect what he says.

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
i'd vote for ron paul if it weren't for the fact that his cognitive dissonance is beyond anything i've seen before. he's like ayn rand. i dont vote for republicans, if there is another independent running besides ron then i might like the guy if his view's aren't ridiculous and his policies reflect what he says.
Interesting. I would ask you to expound upon this theory, it is one that I have not heard before.

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
because his beliefs aren't inline with reality, its as simple as that, i agree about the Fed needing to be dismantled, and some of his libertarian views but that's about it. the guy says ID should be taught alongside actual biology and science as an "alternative theory" to an already discovered fact. he think's there is no separation of church and state. he wouldn't support universal healthcare. his views are too inline with Ayn rand, who i find to be a logical person who ends up at the wrong conclusion to societal well being.

our democracy is pretty pointless, so in the end, i think America is fucked regardless. won't shed a tear though, i've wanted to move for years.

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
because his beliefs aren't inline with reality, its as simple as that, i agree about the Fed needing to be dismantled, and some of his libertarian views but that's about it. the guy says ID should be taught alongside actual biology and science as an "alternative theory" to an already discovered fact. he think's there is no separation of church and state. he wouldn't support universal healthcare. his views are too inline with Ayn rand, who i find to be a logical person who ends up at the wrong conclusion to societal well being.

our democracy is pretty pointless, so in the end, i think America is fucked regardless. won't shed a tear though, i've wanted to move for years.
I have no idea what "ID" is, so I can't comment on that. I think you're wrong about the the church/state thing. He's right about not supporting universal healthcare, he's a doctor as well as a Libertarian and he believes that if we had a true free market economy (like at one time in our history), healthcare would not be an issue.

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
then that is where we disagree, and im not wrong about the separation of church and state thing, he's been stated saying he think's it doesn't exist nor does he believe any of the founders believed in a separation of church and state. Universal healthcare is superior in every way to what is available in the states, every other first world country with universal healthcare would agree, it costs the citizens less. the stuff he says makes sense for a few seconds then he goes onto saying some ridiculous BS like "we should know better" and then go on a tangent about how we fund our schools too much... he'd been on interviews stating he'd undo roe v wade even though his personal view is letting states choose, and his views are letting states decided on personal rights to marriage and abortion. he doesn't interest me as a candidate because he's had the same views for dozens of years and hasn't bothered to fix the holes in it. letting states choose such important rights is retarded, you are at the whim of your fellow statesmen.


Well-Known Member
Paul would be my choice. He follows the constitution to make his choices so he is always consistent. I do not agree with all of his views, but I know he loves freedom and protects it in all forms.

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
then that is where we disagree, and im not wrong about the separation of church and state thing, he's been stated saying he think's it doesn't exist nor does he believe any of the founders believed in a separation of church and state. Universal healthcare is superior in every way to what is available in the states, every other first world country with universal healthcare would agree, it costs the citizens less. the stuff he says makes sense for a few seconds then he goes onto saying some ridiculous BS like "we should know better" and then go on a tangent about how we fund our schools too much... he'd been on interviews stating he'd undo roe v wade even though his personal view is letting states choose, and his views are letting states decided on personal rights to marriage and abortion. he doesn't interest me as a candidate because he's had the same views for dozens of years and hasn't bothered to fix the holes in it. letting states choose such important rights is retarded, you are at the whim of your fellow statesmen.
There is no "separation" clause in our founding documents is what he was talking about but he he does believe in freedom of religion.
So America, the first and ONLY country to establish itself on the sanctity of individual liberty, should follow the crowd? Have you seen what is going on in Europe?
We SHOULD know better but we don't, thanks in large part to government run education.
He does not let his personal views conflict with the Constitution. The states should make those decisions.
He doesn't need to "fix the holes" in his views because there aren't any.

The Chemist Brothers

Active Member
im not going to argue with you over someone who's views I've already dismissed(Dr. Pauls), but you can do yourself a favor and look through the stuff he says and see for yourself, he's got a subjective view of the constitution like everyone else, and the constitution gets trampled on every day. im not looking for a constitutional conservative, because according to Ron paul, there was nothing needed to amend the constitution for the slaves to be "free", the guy stated he wouldn't even want to overturn the Jim crowe laws because that is the type of freedom, or capitalism he'd like America to employ, idiots deciding whats best for them. also, his stance on removal of funding to the departments who are in charge of environmental health is (DEH), hell we can clean up for ourselves... cmon, people are fucking lazy and treat their environment like shit, we know this. He went on some interview talking about how his town cleaned the area by raising the smoke stacks on the factories allowing their pollution to dirty the neighboring cities/ thats the type of logic this guy has, its a joke, but its still better than anything the republicans have to offer sadly. imo he is the only "real" candidate, doesn't mean i agree with his view of future america.

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
im not going to argue with you over someone who's views I've already dismissed(Dr. Pauls), but you can do yourself a favor and look through the stuff he says and see for yourself, he's got a subjective view of the constitution like everyone else, and the constitution gets trampled on every day. im not looking for a constitutional conservative, because according to Ron paul, there was nothing needed to amend the constitution for the slaves to be "free", the guy stated he wouldn't even want to overturn the Jim crowe laws because that is the type of freedom, or capitalism he'd like America to employ, idiots deciding whats best for them. also, his stance on removal of funding to the departments who are in charge of environmental health is (DEH), hell we can clean up for ourselves... cmon, people are fucking lazy and treat their environment like shit, we know this. He went on some interview talking about how his town cleaned the area by raising the smoke stacks on the factories allowing their pollution to dirty the neighboring cities/ thats the type of logic this guy has, its a joke, but its still better than anything the republicans have to offer sadly. imo he is the only "real" candidate, doesn't mean i agree with his view of future america.
i thought it was funny when he said he was a doctor who didnt believe in evolution, then i thought it was sad when he believed Americans could run themselves.