Where can one go to grow, possess, and use marijuana freely anywhere on earth?


I want to find a place to call home and do things that I enjoy doing, in peace. Is there such a place? or is all freedom lost?


Well-Known Member
Somolia. You can buy full auto AK's there in the markets too.

I'm moving there to become a pirate.


Well-Known Member
Washington or Colorado?

Pretty much nowhere will tolerate you just walking around crowded busy streets smoking...wait a minute...

Venice beach, California.


I have my heading, now All I need is a boat, I don't plan on going to Mexico not far enough away. Spain sounds nice, but I might settle for Colorado. but In all honesty I wont be going anywhere anytime soon.


Well-Known Member
Spain and portugal are decriminalized, not legal. They still consider you a criminal for more than small amounts, and if caught with small amounts, they'll be confiscated and you'll be forced to go meet with some counselors who'll try and get you to go to rehab. Repeat offenses can have some consequences though not very serious. Still way better than a criminalized system, but like the netherlands, not legal either.

El Tiberon

Active Member
Not legal in Mexico. 5 grams possession decriminalized. Possession in Colombia is decriminalized to 20 grams but they are pushing a bill for cannabis and coca cultivation but no trafficking or refining allowed. Uruguay is decriminalized but working on a state-controlled system of legalization. In just about every country north and south of the U.S., possession is decriminalized, growing is not but many are working towards that goal as a means to stop cartel violence. I expect most of Latin America to legalize completely long before the U.S. will do so. The financial impact on big corporations would be devastating to the paychecks of the executives so they will continue to lobby the congress to keep it illegal.
Here in NY it's decriminalized. It is only a minor offense where you will only get a $100 fine if u have 25g or less on you for up to 2 times (only if you get caught that is :P). If you get caught a 3rd time, you can get up to 5 days in jail. But it is hard to find a place where it is totally legal to the point where you can smoke a joint in public (if there is such a place). Let's hope it gets to that point though :P. Growing on the other hand, there are some places that allow full growing and cultivation of it, providing you follow a limit. Let me know if any information on this is wrong, because, like everyone else, I can be making mistakes and misreading things.


Well-Known Member
Spanish law IS what our law says it is as for your right to privacy. You can grow your own and smoke it all you want in the privacy of your own home in Spain. Sweden is transitioning it's pot laws because they realize the futility of enforcement so changes under way there too. Want more? I suggest watching reruns of this ex-N.Y.C. chef who used to run around the world drowning himself in mega-meals and libations. He visited and commented on various things.