When do you bring your plants outside?


Active Member
I was just wondering at what point in the veg cycle do you bring your plants outdoors? Is it specific to what time of year it is or just the how far along the plant is, or both? I live in southern canada if that makes a difference (which is still north of most of you lol)


Active Member
well really you can bring it outside whenever you want if your going to do an outdoor grow. Though it is best to start the plant inside until its about a foot high or until it can defend for itself


Well-Known Member
its usualy fine after the temperature has changed to a permanent +C. i live in the middle of BC and i usualy end up bringing them outside in early/mid may when it only drops to 5-10C at night.

it doesnt realy matter what point in the plant cycle it is, its more the temperature and lighting conditions outside. basicly when its 15-20C in the day and 5-10C at night and your safe.


Well-Known Member
You can take em outside as soon as your temperature doesn't drop into the negatives.