What would happen by law.


Active Member
Say i was growing, and the police got involved.
they had no records of me selling, smoking, or curing.
Would the plants be confiscated and would i still get arrested for it being in my possession?
sort of like the 18th amendment "Prohibition of alcohol" where people couldn't sell, drink, or distribute it but no law against making it.


Well-Known Member
Yes, possession is a crime and so is growing, although it depends how many "adult" plants you have when they bust you. If you have one baby seedling growing thn you won't get to serious of an offense.


Well-Known Member
You can find laws for your state on on NORML's website.

Best rule: Don't tell anyone and no one will know. If you have no record the police will not 'get involved' unless someone tells on you.

Moses Mobetta

Well-Known Member
Some states will weigh the plants- undried and then charge you with possession of whatever that weight is. The NORML site has accurate info on this subject as previously mentioned.