What size pots to go with when using Autoflowering strains


New Member
When using autoflowering plant strains, obviously they will only grow so big. Of course genetics is the reason for this, and many autoflowering plants vary in size. However, after doing several researches, I cant come across any good info on what size pots to use for these plants.

Now I currently have my organic moonshine grow which can be found in sig. This is what I have currently going on, ACTIVE, so I was wanting to add more plants but was curious as to how small of a square pot container I could go with without hurting the quality or yield too much?

I know Auto AK47 Easy ryder is a heavy yielder and likes to bush out a little. Obviously needs a nice size container like 3 or 5 gallon. Which is what I currently have.

However I was wanting to grow several small plants if possible to kinda take advantadge of all the space I have.


New Member
Ok I forgot to add a good autoflowering strain that would work well in a small pot something less then 2 gallon.


Well-Known Member
from personal experience only, I have found that LR strains seem to send a taproot deep when sprouting & that seems to determine final plant size.deep pots seem more important than wide one for me. I start in soil &as soon as they break ground, I put them in a deep container.currently I am using breadbags and they work OK but am considering 6 or 8 in PVC about a foot long for my next attempt.I am using LR2 x NYCdiesel (& LR2) so they are smaller than easy rider.


New Member
Awesome, yea I heard they like deep containers, so I went with a rose pot.. My one plant I had forever in a small cup I wish I would of transplanted long time ago.. it be much bigger now. Anyways your saying that you want to get a like a 8inch or 10 inch pvc and cut it to foot long and use for as container?

does pvc have any toxic materials in it?


New Member
I know right... its just on ebay when lookin at grow tents they talk about toxic material from pvc pipin.. I was checking... anyways doing a 10 or 8 inch pvc pipe apx 1 foot high, how much soil is that?

I know certain autos like to grow on single cola and low branching, others can be bushy, my ak47 i have rose pots... which u can check on my sig which is currently active. However rosepots are 5 bucks each and pretty big. I was wanting to do several small plants that produce main cola with little branching mixed with my aks...

I also plan on added supplementary lighting to help the seedlings and the ones further away from the lights.