what is better hang alone lights or using reflectors


Well-Known Member
im using a large area with a short ceiling would it be better to use hang light bulbs or reflectors
I would say it simply depends on your growing style. It would be helpful if you put an image up of your room. Describe any aspirations for hydro or soil. It simply depends, some people take advantage of stadium style growing applications. Do you have a budget for an Omega Garden?


Well-Known Member
going for soil room is 60/20 ft ceiling is 8ft high, price is not a concern, whats a omega garden the turning wheel thing?


Well-Known Member
going for soil room is 60/20 ft ceiling is 8ft high, price is not a concern, whats a omega garden the turning wheel thing?
Yeah, the turning wheel thing, you could get about 2-10 of those stacked and that might get you the best bang for the buck. Just get about 5 mother plants and take clones root them with a cloner and cfl bulbs. If you're going for soil, I would recommend reflectors if you're doing a regular horizontal grow, look up stadium style growing for soil. there's people on this forum posting about it.