What if a flowering plant doesnt get 12/12


Active Member
Alright, what if a flowering plant doesnt get 12/12, maybe it gets 11.5/12.5, or 11.5/12 /12/12 etc

How bad would this be


Well-Known Member
Of corse what u have described isn't the ideal situation, and certainly isnt natural but the plant should still flower. Now, what kind of production u get out of it may be in question though. If the days are constantly getting a bit shorter, a bit longer, a bit shorter..... it may hurt yield in the end, it may not.


Well-Known Member
Alright, what if a flowering plant doesnt get 12/12, maybe it gets 11.5/12.5, or 11.5/12 /12/12 etc

How bad would this be
most strains require 10 -12 hours of darkness... if the darkness cycle is disturbed, the plants hormones that create the bud's processes can become delayed.