What are the lowest and highest water temperatures


Well-Known Member
What are the lowest and highest of water temperatures in your opinion based on your experience or research?

I have my water around 26/27C (78-81F). Is this suitable?


Well-Known Member
Maybe you want it a little cooler....

But I just heard from a pretty reputable person that cold water will raise the PH a little and Warm water will lower it...

Can anyone vouche for this?



New Member
Fill some 1.5 liter water or soda bottles with water and freeze them. Use them in your rez to cool it down. There are some additives you can buy at the hydro store that will help with the roots. I forget the name, but just ask for it at the store.



Well-Known Member
Well I prob average 85-90 in my new AG. That is the temp of the gauge in the growing room anyway. Dont seem to make it have bad roots. Just dont want to grow real fast and have a real poor survival rates on the the seeds. Now that stuff coulda been dryed in the oven fall all I know. I got 3 still living. Once looks close to normal and the other two is just long roots and not much green showing on top.

Big Wheel