Wat kind of lights and wat how many do i need?


Active Member
Hey all,

This is my first time growing and i'm trying to get all my equipment together. I'm trying to grow about 50 plants of this LowMaster Autoflowering plant: http://www.dutchbreed.com/8.html and 50 plants of this DIESEL RYDER Autoflowering plant: http://www.growmagicmushrooms.co.uk/lowryder.htm to make a total of 100 plants.

I need to know how many lights I will need and wat kind (a link to some would be appreciated).

Also, has anybody tried these before? Wat are your opinions?

Thanks for taking time to answer my questions.


Well-Known Member
What would a cop need 100 plants for, they are gonna wait and take all of ours soon enough!!!:spew:
don't say that...

but what i was basically saying...it sounds like bs... i maybe wrong... but for your very first grow..not knowing what to do or how to do it, nor does he know what kind of equipment he needs... how the hell would you..wait...no.. i mean... why the fuck would you attempt to grow 100 plants?


Well-Known Member
and he asks... has anyone tried this before?

are you serious? ha.... no, sherlock

this site is for entertainment purposes


Active Member
don't say that...

but what i was basically saying...it sounds like bs... i maybe wrong... but for your very first grow..not knowing what to do or how to do it, nor does he know what kind of equipment he needs... how the hell would you..wait...no.. i mean... why the fuck would you attempt to grow 100 plants?
From everything I have read, these autoflowering plants are easy to grow and only take two (2) months. I'm growing so many because they only yield 30-50 grams per plants. No BS... I'm serious. I have an idea of wat type of lights... I haven't found anything that really gives me a good idea of how many lights I will need for 100 plants.

Also, does anybody kno how likely I am to have to worry about cops if I stay low key and put the Thermal block on the ceilings and walls.

Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
Just keep your fuckn mouth shut, and keep a big bottle of propane by the door wrapped in electrical tape. If they run in, grab your remote and tell em one more step and everyone goes boom! That should give you enough time to get J. Edgar Hoover's ashes, grind em up, and smoke 'em. Then you'll get the super power of all cops listening to you and having to let you go. This power does, however, come with a dress. But it's a sexy little red number with a big hat, you'll look FABULOUS!!!