warts on my stem?


Well-Known Member
so im at my mates place and he goes to me oi my plants like growin warts or sum shit, i was like.. laughin n shit, so i looked at it and it has a really bumpy stem and its like these black things have burrowed into it??? is this scale or watever? needs help quicks


Well-Known Member
??? pythium? i just looked that up n that is root rot. there like warts, black things that have burrowed into the main stem


Well-Known Member
aah, dw guys, i just looked up scale and it looks really similar to my friends plant, cheers ne way tho, so wat can i do for scale? black scale to be specific


Well-Known Member
smokey I tried to look it up but I cant find it now. FDD had found the answer to your problem for another person who had same thing. Sorry I am not more help but if you were to find fdd and ask sure you will get answer.