Walker Fail


Well-Known Member
This will be overturned, it's the law now. Judges don't make laws.

Judges do a little more than provide you with your daily entertainment on the peoples court, they also overturn laws that are unconstitutional. Why do you support anti-american laws?


Well-Known Member
This will be overturned, it's the law now. Judges don't make laws.

...."judges don't make laws"...

Anyone with any understanding of our judicial system, especialy in the high courts realize that judges do indeed make laws. They make laws because the act of interpreting a law is the act of having the law apply in a certain way.

The law says "no cruel and unusual punishment". If the court is approached by a guy who claims that his being beaten in jail is cruel and unusual and the judges say it is not, then the judges just made a law stating that beatings in prison is permissable.


Ursus marijanus
What English grammar mistakes did he make with that sentence? None? LOL; it's like the blind man leading the deaf around telling them he can see everything.

BTW your sentence is not grammatically correct; you forgot a comma.
I count three mistakes:
1) sentence fragment.
2) using that in place of who.
3) "a" where "an" is indicated.
I don't ordinarily snipe at grammar/spelling, but you ordinarily strike me as articulate, and I cannot imagine you would not spot those three. Please note other corrections including punctuation; the semicolon is required when conjoining two independent clauses without a conjunction. cn

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Where is this grammer akadimy at? i would of been a grammer cop if I had knowed it were a job. Merika, fuck ya!!

See I learned good.