very general question .. any strains that do not stimulate appitite as strongly?


HM.. i have known a few tokers in my time that were skinny as a rail. im not so well off in that area. Munchies are expected and to be delt with accordingly. im just wonding if some strains are not as strong in that area than others? eh sounds stupid but i havnet read antying about this perspecitve yet and i just dont know. persnally every weeed i ahve ever smoked has been a huge appetite stimulant for me is why i ask. thanks.


White Widow was never an appetite stimulant for me. Actually kept me somewhat active!

Yeah, us big guys need to stay away from the munchie couch lockers. No bueno


Well-Known Member
Some weeds definately stimulate appetite more than others, but what worked for more was just making a conscience effort not to eat an unnecessary amount.