Verbal Art


Well-Known Member
I like to write, and hopefully will manage a short book or a job as a lyricist at some point in life. I'll post up a taste:

Music is written, it’s meant to be heard.
I don’t own the words I use, I can’t stop it from playing in your head, and there’s no way I care if you “steal” my song, it’s still what it is and you can’t change that.

You can claim you saw God in the bottom of a hat, but I won’t follow you, I’m not as slow as that.
Same as you say god’s son was among us. Well yeah, he was and he always will be, god’s son is you, it’s me.
Allah’s my main man, the Great Spirit’s the same, man.
Life force is its own energy, and so God’s in the birds and the bees, the bushes and trees.
There is no you, no me. We’re just one entity in its many parts apart, finding unity in proximity and the presence of energy binds us to it and you to me.

Words describe what our minds devise,
explaining truths we’ve preconceived,
and the truth won’t change to fit the words we breathe.